How Was Git created

Git was created in 2005 by Linus Torvalds. He was the founder of Linux operating system. It is being told that, during the development of Linux, Linus Torvalds was looking for any collaborative software through which Linus Torvalds’s team would have contributed to the development of Linux. At that time, there was a software named … Read more

Version Control System – Git Tutorial

version control system

Version Control System: A version control system is defined as a management software responsible for managing changes to computer programs, documents, large websites, or other collections of information. Have you ever wondered how lakhs of developers collaborate on the same project from any part of the world by working remotely? If yes, then you are … Read more

Tokens in C language

Tokens in c are the basic building blocks in C language. We can also define a token in c as the smallest individual unit in a program through which a program is structured. The meaning of tokens is already predefined by the C compiler. Therefore it is not possible to create a program without using … Read more

Introduction to Computer Networks

A computer network is a set of nodes connected by communication links to deliver a set of information. Nodes: a node can be a computer, printer, or device capable of sending or receiving data generated by other nodes in the network. Examples: computers, servers, printers, CCTV, switches, bridges, routers, etc. Communication links: a communication link … Read more